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Spain earthquake
Spain earthquake
I hope all our Spanish ESL Members are safe! God help Spanish people! |
12 May 2011
Olindalima ( F )
Hi Teresa Thanks for posting this message - I didn �t have the opportunity all this morning.
Hope you all, dear Spanish friends, may be safe.
12 May 2011
maryse pey�
Life and Safety be with all of you dear friends ! |
12 May 2011
The earthquake affected only a little part of Spain: Murcia. It could have been worse, but we �re safe.
Thanks friends! |
12 May 2011
Thanks for all your support! I live in �guilas, 32 kms from Lorca (where the earthquake started) and yesterday was a terrible day. A lot of people were worried and scared of the movements. Here, where I live, I felt it three times but thanks God it wasn �t as terrible as in Lorca, altough three of my schoolpartners have lost or suffered several damages in their houses. Today, they have been absented. I can �t phone them during the afternoon because a lot of people were phoning their families, friends... It was a total chaos. Today, at school, children were very scared and several parents have families in Lorca and, in addition, the weather and the enviroment have been very strange. Sincerely, I hope it finishes as soon as possible. |
12 May 2011
Hi Maria, I would also like to express my sympathy to the Spanish people affected by the earthquake. Aguila, thanks for telling us about the situation in your area. I hope there will be no more tremors and that you and all the people there stay safe.
12 May 2011
We are safe too. Thanks so much for your wishes. I feel you are really a very warm-hearted family.
12 May 2011
Wow, hadn �t heard about this yet (I work too much!)
Hope everone is OK, be safe! |
12 May 2011
I hadn �t heard about it before I read Teresa �s post, and now I �m reading there were victims...I sincerely hope there will be no more.
All my love and good wishes to our Spanish friends. Hope you are all OK.
Stay safe!
12 May 2011
I haven �t heard about it. I hope that all the Spanish people living there are safe. All my love for you. |
12 May 2011