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This has been doing the rounds recently. What do you, as English teachers, think of it?
18 May 2011

maryse pey�
hi dear in grammar as in real life there are what we usually call �false friends � or �traitors in meanings �. You are a TRUE friend ! thanks for sharing : this kind of tool is always useful.
Plenty of hugs dear.
Maryse. |
18 May 2011

Another common one is "disinterested", which doesn �t mean "not interested", as most people think. It means "unbiased" or "objective".
Bruce |
18 May 2011

Much ado about nothing and not even correct if you ask me.
For some words both definitions apply. BTW, it�s not just about outdated dictionary definition, the makers of this confusing chart should have looked at contemporary usage as well. |
19 May 2011

alien boy
Interesting... it shows a real difference between prescriptive & descriptive grammars if you ask me!
19 May 2011

I have to agree with Philip, that the chart isn �t entirely exact and �overdone �.
19 May 2011

Absolutely, Philip. Both enormity and fulsome, for example, can have both definitions ( �disputed � in some dictionaries but still accepted). It �s also implied that unique can �t be modified which, of course, is the wrong approach to a word which has also had the meaning of unusual for nearly two centuries (see Merriam-Webster �s Dictionary of English Usage).
Oh, it �s definitely prescriptive, but it �s not grammar, Jim. The chart deals with discrete lexical items and their definitions although the website insists "it�s all about grammar."
19 May 2011

Ahh... Can somebody explain the difference to little ole moi between "to have a lot of something" and a "superabundance"?
My dictionary says quite literally- plethora: a very large amount or number : an amount that is much greater than what is necessary.
And here I �m thinking "semantics" .. "a lot of" could be "a superabundance". Heck, I �d use "a lot of" when trying to explain in layman �s term plethora to my students.
BTW, "literally" could be used as a modifier/intensifier...
19 May 2011

Super here means �above �, �beyond �, �over � etc (ie excessive or �greater than what is necessary �).
Of course literally is an intensifier.
19 May 2011

Ahh, twas sarcasm my dear Alex. I do know what the prefix "super" means. I just meant that "a normal person" not us "language experts" (not too serious with that comment) might say "Oh my, I think, well, plethora means to have a lot of something, ya know, lots and lots.."
19 May 2011
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