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Message board > 3 bestselling authors you īll never read again
3 bestselling authors you īll never read again
3 bestselling authors you īll never read again
Hi All
I came across a similar forum on the net and thought I īd start a thread here.
So, which bestselling writers do you think are seriously overrrated, and which book put you off them for good?
I īll start:
Dan Brown ("Digital Fortress") Helen Fielding ("Bridget Jones Diary" - one of the rare cases where the film outshines the novel!
Right now I can īt call to mind 3 writers, I īll add one later...
Looking forward to hearing yours
19 May 2011
I like Dan Brown, I had read digital fortress, I think it had a good concept but it was not well-developed, kinda cliche and it was quite out-dated, thus, when we read it at this time, it is not that relevant and applicable to our current situation, let alone, in the future.
19 May 2011
Hello! I don īt want to offend you but I don īt really like your thread... but it doesn īt mean I īm asking you to erase it, don īt get me wrong. It īs just that you give the name of 2 writers you don īt like, but you don īt explain why you don īt like them...
I īve read only 1 on Dan Brown īs novel - the Da Vinci Code - and although there was a lot of argument about the truth or lies in this book, i īve enjoyed it... i īve never bought another of his novels but it doesn īt mean I won īt...
as far as Helen Fielding is concerned, I īve read Bridget Jones Diary and I loved that book so much that i īve read it several times... I don īt know if she published anything apart from the Bridget Jones series but that doesn īt mean I don īt like her...
My boyfriend loves reading Tom Clancy - he has the whole collection, brings his novels everywhere, puts them everywhere (in his car, in his locker at work...) - and yet I īve never been able to read more than a few pages of his novels because it īs not the kind of books I like... and yet I don īt go about telling people not to read them...
The whole point of reading is to transport you to an other world, and if it works the writer did his job, even though we can īt expect every one to feel the same way about every book they read...
but it īs just my humble opinion...
P.S.: i īm a Stephen King addict - don īt ask me why... - and yet I know a lot of people (including 90% of my relatives) who would never read a book of his... there are things you can īt explain!
19 May 2011
When I was at an age with experiments I read The Kama
And the
way I chapter on sexual positions was an eye opener.....
But my reasons for not feeling this book and I mean not in the literal sense! Is
when I finished all the 64 positions I had to invent my own thinking behind this
book and came up with 52 more ways to have fun? REDBULL GIVES YOU WINGS YOU KNOW.
19 May 2011
You īre absolutely right Elodie, I should have elaborated more on my thread, it īs just it was breakfast time and I was in the middle of getting my 3 year old ready for nursery.
Right,ok, Dan Brown, wow, it was so bloomin ī predictable and the heroine who was supposed to be such a smart cookie couldn īt work out the simplest of enigmas. I found the writing lame and the constant stereotyping of southern Spain rankled too.
Now Bridget Jones ī Diary was dire in a different way. You knew Fielding was trying to be funny it just didn īt hit the spot. I found the characters rather one-dimensional too. An insipid read that I wish I hadn īt wasted time reading to the end. Loved the film though!
Ok, number three "Girl with a pearl earring" by Tracey Chevalier. Didn īt grab me. simple as that. Dull dull and then some.
Just thought it might be fun to thoughts on books that really didn īt deserve the hype , IOHO of course ; )
Hated "Titanic" too, BTW, nor have I ever understood the appeal of Nicholas Cage, but we īll leave that for another time... ; )
19 May 2011
manonski (f)
ooooooohhh Colibrita... I īm so glad I īm not the only one who did not like Titanic. Even to this day, I can īt believe it beat L.A Confidential at the Oscars.
But I loved Tracy Chevalier.
I don īt mind your thread. We could also suggest books and introduce new authors to members of this forum. |
19 May 2011
I īve only two authors I think are not necessarily overrated but over read. The first author I ever got tired of was Stephen King. After a while there seemed to be a sameness to his work. And then there īs Dr. Seuss. I īm tired of him I am. nahh... only kidding about the Dr. Ed |
19 May 2011
okay! now I understand your choices better!
there īs a book I really disliked - and I īve never finished it actually - it īs "Veronika Decides To Die" by Paulo Coelho. My cousin went to Brazil for a year and it bought it for Christmas hoping that I would like it... and I really didn īt enjoy this novel... I tried to read it, thinking that maybe it would get better, but after reading 3 quarters I gave up. Maybe it īs the fact that she commits suicide for no reason at all, maybe it īs the fact that I contemplated suicide a few times - when I was suffering from depression - or maybe it īs the way it was written...
and i īve heard that there īs a movie coming up... I will certainly not go to cinema to see it!
take care ;)
19 May 2011
There īs another one, Elodie, Coelho! Everyone raved about The Alchemist, but I īm sorry to say it bored me to tears, and I gave up halfway through.
And if I may just share a pearl of wisdom from my many years, life is too short to finish novels you īre not enjoying. In most cases (not always however, but almost always) you regret having bothered to plod through to the end, because no it didn īt get any better! Much better to spend the time you would have wasted on a book you enjoy. If the first page or two of a book in a bookstore or on Amazon don īt grab me, down it goes!
In view of Manonski īs thread, let me recommend some books I personally highly recommend. don īt have time to give a synopsis though. sorry!
White Oleander (Janet Fitch) Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (John Berendt) Memoirs of a Geisha (Arthur Golden) Anna Karenina (Tolstoy) (just could NOT get into War and Peace though, as much as I īd love to)
Best wishes all and happy reading!
19 May 2011
I īm reading - or trying to read FREEDOM by Jonathan Franzen
Oprah and many raved about it - but I don īt like or sympathize with the characters at all. I find them dumb and 1 dimensional.
19 May 2011
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