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Grammar and Linguistics > mustn īt in reported speech
mustn īt in reported speech

mustn īt in reported speech
Hi everybody!
How would you say this sentences in reported speech?:
Yesterday my mum said: "you mustn īt tell your friends about it".
If I use"didn īt have to" is not prohibition, but lack of necessity, so should it make sense to say: "my mum said I mustn īt tell my friends about it" even when it refers to a past event?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions |
19 May 2011

Yesterday my mum said that I shouldn īt tell my friends about it.
I wasn īt allowed to would also be possible but it īs absolutely strong here, I think. |
19 May 2011

on the day before, my mum said that I must not tell my friends about it
Hope it is not wrong.
19 May 2011

It sounds right to my ears, at least.
My mom said (that) I musn īt tell anyone about it. (if the idea is that the prohibition is still current, still applicable to the present.)
If the prohibition was temporary and therefore COMPLETELY in the past...
My mom said that I couldn īt tell anyone about it. - prohibited My mom said that I wasn īt allowed tell anyone about it. - prohibited
My mom said that I shouldn īt tell anyone about it. - not a good idea
19 May 2011

Yesterday my mum told me not to tell my friends about it.
19 May 2011

My mother forbade me to tell my friends about it. |
19 May 2011

listen Aldegunde all the answers given by the above-mentioned teachers are not rigth, unfortunately except the explanation of sirhaj, but still there is a problem with the changed pronoun which must be inverted to he and his and we say:
his mum said that he must not tell his friends about it we should always use third personal pronoun when reporting; as far as must is concerened
it reamains unchanged and it can be used in present or past. we can also change it to had to and we say: his mum said that he had to tell his friend about it hope it īs clear |
19 May 2011