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Message board > Let īs entertain ourselves while ...asking ourselves what we are doing wih our lives!
Let īs entertain ourselves while ...asking ourselves what we are doing wih our lives!
Let īs entertain ourselves while ...asking ourselves what we are doing wih our lives!
Sometimes I wonder...whether all my commitment to everything I īm involved in is
worthwhile ...Go on:
Sometimes I wonder... |
20 May 2011
Sometimes I wonder, too... but it is worthwhile. I truly believe so. You were meant to do what you do and be who you are, dear friend.
Oh, OK, Iīll play...
Sometimes I wonder how come I can be so naive and trusting this day and age.... Am I from a different era? |
20 May 2011
maryse pey�
sometimes I wonder how I can stay optimistic in such a world. Is it worthwhile hoping ? Yes, it is ! Every time you see a smile brighter than the stars themselves ! Just a smile and bright eyes. |
20 May 2011
Olindalima ( F )
Sometimes I wonder....
What have I done, in my life, to deserve all the hapiness God sent me
Sometimes I wonder
Why other people, friends of mine, have been so wildly shortened in what they most loved
Sometimes I wonder
Will I have to pay for everything I have been offered , all my life?
Sometimes I wonder
Where are all my ESL friends ? Can īt meet them ?
Teresa, congrats, these are good winds, " the wayward wind is a restless wind "
kisses Linda
Lol - this is what I call
a HAPPY THREAD !!!!!!!!!!!!
20 May 2011
Yes, thank you teresa for blowing some good wind into our sails.
- sometimes I wonder how far a kind and caring response gets you.
- sometimes I wonder even more why on Earth we want to explain everything through science..... and only feelings rule the world.
- sometimes I wonder why on Earth we want to know scientifically what is happening, and only greed for money and power will dictate what takes place arround and among us.
- sometimes I wonder how much a wonder can make me wonder what wonders mankind is capable of ;o))
Lots of wonderful thoughts to everyone of you |
21 May 2011
I īve also been wondering, and the truth is, Teresa (wonderful Portuguese country I visit whenever I can!), I īm not too sure either.
I īm not sure the teaching of English can be really considered as one of the fine arts, as I īve tried to apply it. There īs really no time for all of it. It īs wonderful, I know, but... we īve also got a family, a life, we may be cheeky enough to have other interests...and end up feeling guilty for not having enough time for the fine arts of teaching English and the lovable arts of family feelings or housekeeping. There īs no way out, we īre trapped! Guilty, guilty!
Well, sometimes the solution lies in putting on the brake and seeing what you have accomplished, which is inversely proportional to the feeling of guilt you may have, or indeed, the amount of recognition you may get from educational authorities. But anyway... you īve enjoyed it, you know what you īve done is valuable both for others, yourself and your family (as an example) - flatter yourself on it! And take the time to enjoy the work you īve done (and let others enjoy it), do not try to keep the same rhythm all the time...
There īs a time for everything... a time for sowing, a time for harvest...
(Wow - I īm really getting into the sixties this time!)
(Just another point: you just can īt help being how you are....)
Best of lucks,
21 May 2011
Yeah! This is a nice thread, dear Tere! I wonder if some day mankind will realize the most basic reason why God created this marvelous world and really try to take care of it and live in peace, instead of destroying it and fitghting over stupid reasons!!!!!! I wonder if leading a right life and holding on to God will finally have a reward after death??? Like getting to know all the mysteries of life and getting to know the ones we lost too early or meet again those who left ahead!!! |
21 May 2011
I don īt want to be Johnny rain cloud here but I thought it was not allowed to talk about religion on this forum?
I wonder how long it īll take before we have our lives back here in Japan. |
21 May 2011
Sometimes I wonder when I read the news, how some people can be so cruel, it īs beyond my comprehension. I wonder what makes people this way, it īs hard to understand, and then I wonder why is news usually negative. You hear about devastation, murder, robberies. What motivates people to act this way. I wonder if these people ever consider their actions or just think that being corrupt is a normal way of life. I wonder how eaisly people get upset and wonder why they do not have patience. I wonder about people complaining about things that are not important. There is so much proverty and famine and that is something to complain about. I wonder about the poor and the less fortunate and thank God for everything he has given me. I wonder about all the good things in life and am grateful for having what I have. I wonder why people can īt just be happy with good health and a roof over their heads. I guess for some there is no answer to that one. My tone is this because I have just watched the news and haven īt heard one good thing. Maybe I should just stop listening to the news or start a campaign to put more positive things on the news. Perhaps listening to positive news wouldn īt make people grumpy. I wonder if the news will ever change.
21 May 2011
Hello, everyone! Here I am, almost midnight, and waiting for my son to get home! Nice thread, Teresa! I WONDER WHY MY SON HAS NOT GOTTEN HOME! So, what better way than to spend my countless minutes here at ESLP! LOL!!! No, seriously... I also wonder about many things. Sometimes I wonder too much! Dearest Errie, I think Kiara is just expressing her personal opinion on the thread and expressing about the things that she wonders, I don īt think she īs referring to the "G" word (God ) as in a religious topic. Linda also thanks God, Giovanni also mentions God, just like Kiara, and they īre not really talking about religion, are they? I also tend to ALWAYS say "God bless you" to all my friends here at ESLP be they believers or not, it īs just something that comes from my heart. Having said that, here īs what I wonder: * I wonder if I were to try to be like some colleagues of mine here at my school, that they just ... come to school, "give" their class, and go home, (not worrying about if ss really understood, keeping good group control... etc) .... would I be happier? would I feel less stressed, less frustrated? *And I also wonder... WHY I can īt be like that!!! Yay!!! My son īs home! Good night, eveyone!!! Hugs! |
21 May 2011
I wonder:
What is the dress code for The Rapture and should I really bother doing any prep for next week īs classes? |
21 May 2011
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