As for neatness, it �s always tricky. I try not to comment on that, unless it borders on unreadable or a complete mess, although smaller kids are usually rather neat, or at least try to be. With teenagers, sometimes I �m just happy with the fact that they even bring notebook regularly, and that they �re only for English lessons
... I �m afraid that with some of them, however, putting it nicely doesn �t work, but when I put a big question mark next to it and add �Sorry, I really can �t read this. You �ll have to do it for me... � and then sit them down and ask them to read it back to me, which they can �t do themselves, - well, this has become rather effective. I try to teach them, though, that how you write is how you organise your thoughts in your head. (Although it isn �t necessarily true because our brains work on such various levels.)