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Grammar and Linguistics > Help me please!
Help me please!

Help me please!
Dear Colleagues,
How can I paraphrase the following sentence? I want to start the sentence with I ´s been...
I haven ´t eaten out for awhile.
Is it OK if I say:
It ´s been awhile since I ate out. a while/awhile????
I think I am confused. Thanks in advance.
22 May 2011

maryse pey�
Hi dear,
I think it is ´a while � as you can say ´a long while �.
or you can say ´It ´s been ages since I ate out. � |
22 May 2011

Maryse is correct about "for a while". In fact, "awhile" means "for a while", so don ´t ever say "for awhile" because that would mean "for for a while". So, both "It ´s been a while since I ate out" and "It ´s been ages since I ate out" are both good choices. A while/awhile: I waited awhile, then I gave up and went home. I waited for a while, then I gave up and went home. Bruce |
23 May 2011

i think that it is correct. i have waited for a while then i gave up and went home |
6 Jun 2011