Well.. I don�t have much time because I�m working now. I�ll give you a web page where you can find his books. It�s located in England: www.play.com
The best of it is that the delivery is free. I mean that the price that they give you (either in pounds or in euros) is exactly what you have to pay.
You have to create an account (like here) and give your credit card details... well, it�s easy. You won�t find problems. It�s very safe. I�ve been ordering for years and I haven�t had any problems so far. You can trust it.
The only thing is that the free delivery policy is only available for Europe so I don�t know if you will have to pay a bit more or not. It�s the only thing I can tell you.
Then there�s another option: download it via e-mule or something like that but it�s better play.com
I hope you are lucky. I have to leave you: my students are asking me what I am doing on the computer :-)))