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Grammar and Linguistics > Could you help ,please !
Could you help ,please !

Could you help ,please !
I īm confused a little bit .I came accross with a sentence .The sentenceis like that "Don īt be afraid" Yes,it is very simple and meaning clear but I couldn īt find an explanation gramatically .I know we can say "you are being ironic " but this structure made me confused. Thanks |
25 May 2011

Imperatives what īs confusing with this? - I īm afraid! (be afraid) - Don īt be afraid! (it īs a reguest, command, order or whatever)
25 May 2011

I think I know what you mean; you canīt use do or donīt with the verb to be, but in the case of imperative you can.
Do be quiet, please.
Donīt be late.
Hope this helps,
Have a good evening |
25 May 2011

Remember that don īt is a contraction of do not. What we have here might be called a negative imperative, so it īs OK for the verb īto be � to have īdo � as an auxiliary; normally it wouldn īt, of course, so don īt be annoyed with yourself! |
25 May 2011

Marie and Almaz thank, you both . It is clear now . |
25 May 2011