Current Conversation topics for Advanced Level
Hi All,
I �m super short of time, does anyone have ideas of current news topics that could be good for my conversation classes this week?
So far all I �ve come across is the "human milk" from Chinese GM cows story
I �ve already checked out "Breaking English", in fact that �s probably where I discovered the milk controversy.
Thanks in advance
Hugs from a sultry Barcelona!
20 Jun 2011
Have you tried wiki news?
What about changes in the internet naming practices?
Facebook privacy issues.
Iphone tracking its customers without their knowledge.
20 Jun 2011
one �someecards � there was an article bout some girl getting a tattoo of all her facebook friends and I think yesterday or the day before I someone here uploaded a worksheet on an article about some kid selling one of his organs in order to buy an ipod.... |
20 Jun 2011
breakingnewenglish.com you can find plenty of news (current)
20 Jun 2011
what about leting them choose their own topic. it might help u to see their own taste!! try it
20 Jun 2011
Thanks for your ideas so far, keep them coming! Sorry; I meant to write Breaking News English! Actually I do get my students to bring their own articles and ideas too, but I can �t turn up empty-handed, plus it �s always a bonus if they actually want to discuss the things that interest you.
20 Jun 2011
The US is negotiating with the Taliban. Starting experiments using embrionic cells to recover one �s eyesight. The voucher plan for Medicaid by the GOP (Republican party).
20 Jun 2011
Hi, I �ve just posted a power poit activity about money, i don �t know if it �t the kind your students will like but it can vary a lit bit from articles and so on... i hope you enjoy it. |
21 Jun 2011
I have laminated the entire series of conversation cards at eslpartyland and always keep a few sets in my bag for those moments when I need an activity or a diversion
I have found some of the topics highly suited to my advanced learners such as:
What I sometimes do is put a different set on each group of tables and students can join the table that interests them.
21 Jun 2011
Some other ideas:
Euthanasia Life on other planet/galaxy Discrimination Does everybody have a price? Capital punishment An eye for an eye Censorship? Crime and punishment Law and justice Education today Freedom and licentiousness Rights and duties Will e-books replace paper books? Addictions Technology and communication
21 Jun 2011
My students are having their oral exams this week. These are some of the topics they have prepared:
All about chocolate. The Catholic Church
Enegry drinks. Social webs.
All about coffee Flameco Dancing
My trip to Fatima. The Death Penalty
Uniforms My horse. Secret Societies
Lady Gaga.
The Olympic Games.
My town Soria.
My trip to England
Fairy Oak.
Violence in sport.
Bob Marley
Spanish Tapas.
Guillian Barre�Syndrome
Teenagers and their problems.
Children exploitation.
World Youth Day.
Mobile Phones.
Bullying |
21 Jun 2011