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Grammar and Linguistics > The longest word
The longest word

The longest word
Hey, there! Hope you �re having a good time! Does anyone know THE LONGEST word in English? Make your suggestions... Can �t wait to see them... Because opinions are never the same...
20 Jun 2011

Things change and so do words - but in the 60 �s - the longest word was:
Don �t know what it is today!
Here�s what I found on the internet. It says that a lot of words are fictional and some are only made to BE the longest word - so actually antidisestablishmentarianism is still the longest word that means something!!
It all depends on your point of view, but here goes:
First you have �floccinaucinihilipilification� at 29
characters, meaning �the act of estimating as worthless�. (no one uses this word)
Then there�s �antidisestablishmentarianism� at
28 letters, meaning �opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of
England�. It is often considered the longest word as it has an actual meaning
instead of being created just to be long.
Even longer still is �Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia�,
at 36 characters, it is the fear of long words. They should have made it
Unofficially the longest word is �pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis�
at 45 characters, meaning �a lung disease�. It was created solely for the
purpose of being the longest word, however, it does appear in a few
20 Jun 2011

tnx! i heard it was like antidisestablishmentarism
20 Jun 2011

Once my English teacher told me it was "pneumonoultramicroscobicsuliovalcanoconiosis", it is the name of an illness... |
20 Jun 2011

I know this one!! It �s SMILES, because there �s a mile between the first "s" and the last "s" |
20 Jun 2011

@anitarobi: |
20 Jun 2011

Olindalima ( F )
teacher as teacher itself, mother, frequently, psichologist, most of the times, nurse, every now an then, doctor, if no one shows you you have to do the work, social support, you pay what they need when no one shows up, best friend, whenever they dramatically fall in love ( the wrong way ) in love supporting, you pay the condoms godmother, you get the special privilige of being that , cause of some not expected birth godmother again, you get it when you were a terrific teacher of a child who has nothing, but wants to get married, in church and needs a godmother cook, when you call them to have lunch with you, at your place dressmaker, when you go shopping just to get some suitable clothes for that little guy best friend,again, when you meet some of your students and they say"thanks, teacher, I got the "best mark" counselor, whenever you push them to the place you know they can reach
shoulder to cry... whenever things go wrong
theacher is a real, real big word
I love what I do Linda
20 Jun 2011
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