Word of the Day for Sunday
Thank you Anita for selecting me for the next word of the day. without further ado, here it is...
Looking forward to hearing some of your wacky definitons.
Douglas |
26 Jun 2011
Anna P
AGELAST: A GEL used At Special Times
26 Jun 2011
finally reaching the end of the school year, all evaluations written, cookies for the last day baked, books for next year chosen, all homework checked, and too damn tired to even say "aaah at last" simply crashing on the sofa incomprehensively mumbling agelast............... Making it clear to everyone in the house that they don �t need to look at me for dinner. |
26 Jun 2011
agelast - is the age I will last till (as in survive till ) if I keep on teaching. |
27 Jun 2011
I �ll give it another couple of hours and then I will select the winner--last chance! |
27 Jun 2011
Agelast is the irritation one feels when others are having a really good time. Comes from anger + blast.
Sherry was agelast at the thought of Mary going to Acapulco for ten days.
PS... I am also filled agelastness because I must work this summer while everybody else gets to go to the beach.
27 Jun 2011
I first thought I was reading � �aFgelast. This is a Dutch word which means to cancel something.
Agelast means eldery people.
The party was aFgelast because there were too many agelast people... |
27 Jun 2011
It was a tough decision--thanks for making me smile. In tnhe end I just flipped a coin to choose the winner. And the winner is:
AGELAST actually means: a person that never laughs
Douglas |
27 Jun 2011
Thanks Douglas |
27 Jun 2011