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Banning babies in first class
Banning babies in first class
Hi Everyone, how about a little debate on something topical?
Babies should be banned from flying first class.
What do you think?
(It �s actually currently being considered by an airline: )
Shall I start? At first I was kind of galled at the headline, being a mum myself. However, when I thought about the massive amounts people are shelling out to fly first class and then not being able to sleep. I know it �s not the poor babies � fault but there again.
So perhaps for the moment I �m going to sit on the fence... : )
Over to you....
La Colibrita
29 Jun 2011
and what about banning people that stink, pass-gas, talk, type on their keyboards too loudly, rustle their magazines, snore, breathe too loudly, etc?
personally, I think it is ridiculous--a baby sitting two rows back in business class can also be heard.
I think the point made in one of the comments about "good" airlines providing noise-cancelling headphones is a better answer.
Douglas |
29 Jun 2011
There should be different sections on an airplane: mothers with cryin, babies section, obnoxious drunks section, gamey passenger section, snorers section and for the rest of us, good looking people section. Those that pass gas should sit with the gamey ones who should sit with those that wear too much cologne or perfume so that they cancel each other out. Just MHO. In all seriousness babies cry for many reasons and not always for reason that are under the control of the parents or care givers. The change in pressure can cause excrutiating almost unbearable pain to some of us who suffer from sinus problems; I can only imagine what it would be like for a baby who can not express what they are feeling. Free cocktails for everyone (including the toddlers) might resolve the problem and then may it would or exacerbate the problem. Then you would have an airplane full of snoring, stinky, gas passing drunks. But then again maybe no one would care. |
29 Jun 2011
Ed ! As funny as it sounds , you have a point !
And Douglas, you �re right : those who don �t want to hear a baby crying or ... any other of the things Ed mentioned, should wear the headphones you mention !
Not fair at all on babies ! But then again, intolerance is part of the world �s culture nowadays ... |
29 Jun 2011
Thanks for joining in the debate!
Yeah, Douglas, you read my mind, what about all the "anti-social" behaviours. You know what I �m dreading - the day they allow mobile phones! I really don �t enjoy flying and if I have to contend with the stress of flying combined with having to listen to people �s phones ringing and people chatting about all sort of rubbish on their phones I �ll go crazy!
Have a great weekend everyone!
1 Jul 2011