Why can �t I upload my ws in pdf format?
I downloaded the same ws 3 times and 3 of my points are missing... what can I do?
I need a ws on present simple. Can you suggest ONLY ONE??
How can I change my avatar?
I �ve just registered here and... (bla-bla-bla) but I �m unable to download your great contributions. Why?
What �s a "watermarked" clipart?
Why was my ws reported?
Can I upload a scanned page from a wonderful English book?
What software do you use to prepare those wonderful wss?
Where can I find pictures of flags (or dogs, or anything else...)?
Why do you keep unfairly reporting my copies... oops... worksheets?
Who can I contact to solve a problem I found in this site?
What �s the site �s owner �s email address?
How can I contact the webmaster?
What does ESL stand for?
Why do you say my shopping list is not an ESL resource?
What �s the difference between present simple and present continuous (I swear I AM an English teacher...)?
How do u speel umcorfforttable?
You cann help I correcting my students �s gramar and speled errs? I not knowing whhy they has too many...
i am a english teacher by brasil and wants knowing if anyone wanted talking with me between skype improved my english skillls.