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Games, activities and teaching ideas > games/exercises for speaking in full sentences...?
games/exercises for speaking in full sentences...?
games/exercises for speaking in full sentences...?
I wanted to know if you have any ideas for my class with two teenage girls (15 and 16)
We are at a very basic level and I want to encourage them to speak in whole sentences. Last week we had a lesson on personal descriptions "He�s got blue eyes." "She�s got long blonde hair." are examples of sentences that I wanted to teach.
And while they learnt the vocabulary without too much difficulty, they would look at a picture to describe it and come out with "hair... blonde... curly".
I would like some suggestions for exercises to help them speak in full sentences, instead of reeling off vocabulary. I have tried word rearranging activities with flashcards for teaching adjective before noun, but this is read, not spoken.
Thankyou in advance.
5 Jul 2011
I guess at beginner/elementary level you have to give them models (the beginnings of sentences for them to finish with target vocabulary) and drill, drill, drill the same structures through all kinds of activities. It �s a good idea to integrate all four language skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking) which should roll around the same subject. Maybe you �ll find these ideas helpful:
And if you look here you �ll find ready-made activities
5 Jul 2011