Well, you know how it goes: it �s late spring, early summer, the neighbors cat has just given birth to 3 gorgeous and playful kittens. You can �t resist (you know you ought to, though!!) So, you adopt the most lovely, lively and loving little kitten. It �s pure romance !!
But, as we said, it �s springtime.... you fall in love.... and start to neclect a bit this cute little compagnon... you know, you have better things to do: glance for hours in the mirror, trying to reassure yourself: really, THIS time it will work out, you �ve found Prince Charming himself... it �s pure romance between him and you.
Well, your little kitten is rapidly growing; growing into becoming a real full size adult cat. But you don �t realize that.... you �ve now got better things to do. Your lovely kitten, sorry cat, has a very bad time. He is wondering what he did wrong: "Why did she adopt me???? She doesn �t care about me anymore.... WHAT did I do to make her ignore me????"
So, your kitten-having-become-a-cat is asking himself essentiel questions... every day, every hour. He tries to find a solution, adopting your attitude: sitting in front of a mirror: waiting for the mirror to give him an answer..... and he starts dreaming about Charming Princess Cat.... in fact: he stays hours and hours in front of the mirror, he gives birth to a romance about himself and this lovely cat princess!
And then, you know how it goes... September comes... finally, your Prince Charming wasn �t that charming... you might as well face it: it wasn �t what you expected, or hoped for : he has already hit you twice... and you never know if he will turn up for dinner.... and you never know in what mood he �ll turn up: end of your romance, you �ll have to opt out!
As you force yourself to think about yourself ( ... and don �t manage) you find yourself rediscovering your cute-little-kitten-who-has-become-a-cat.
Well, isn �t that strange: you can �t figure out what on Earth is the matter: it wont eat, wont chase mice, wont play: just sits there all day long looking at itself in the mirror!!
So, you opt for a visit to the vet with your cat: the vet is smart, he tells you straight away that it is a serious matter: the cat has opted for a romantic disease: catoptromancy!!