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Word of the Day

Word of the Day
Thanks Douglas. I �m glad you liked my daffynition! ...And the new word is: DISCOMBOBULATED You know the rules. No dictionary definitions. Be witty, be amusing... the most imaginative wacky suggestion will be the winner! |
9 Jul 2011

In Spanish, when something is broken, or doesn �t work properly, we say it is DESCOMpuesto, BOBULATED = when someone/thing is all "wobbly"  .... Long story short: Once while taking a walk, I came upon a garage sale and I thought I found a treasure, my very own robot maid, someone (thing) to do my housework, and all those tiresome chores I hate to do!!! But..... ohhhhhhhhh! no wonder it was on sale!!!! It was DISCOMBOBULATED!!! End of story: I was never able to fix it!!!  |
9 Jul 2011

I could get it if it was disco-bombulate (i. e. bombard your neighbours with disco music) or disco-mobulate (i. e. create a flash mob of disco dancers) but discombobulate is just baffling me...Oh! I finally got it! discomobulate - discontinue communication through mobile phone - that �s the punishment your mom gives you when you �ve exceeded your monthly payment for mobile communication  who cares if there�s one extra letter. (I �ve been watching too much Malcolm in the Middle lately) Sophia
9 Jul 2011

The medical community was flabbergasted. When Dr. Fingleheimer was asked how it was possible for the comb to have given birth, he simply replied, �Dis comb obulated.� |
9 Jul 2011

IT IS A PLACE full of discos |
9 Jul 2011

DISCOMBOBULATEDAfter going to the disco, Bob was rather dizzy, with his head going round and round, up and down.
9 Jul 2011

Gia Mel
Discombobulated is when you wake up after a hangover: I woke up, I had to go out early... But, I looked myself into the mirror and I was discombulated... Which is when no comb could do its job... I had to go to the hair dresser after that... |
9 Jul 2011