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Games, activities and teaching ideas > WORD OF THE DAY¨:)

Gia Mel
Hi dear friends:
I ´ve got a message telling me that I ´ve won the "Word of the day" game... First time I win something.... I have to tell you a word now -didn ´t know that part hahaha!-
Anyway... I found a word fot you...
Can you tell me what palpebra is ?
ok... if something is missing, let me know...
11 Jul 2011

Palpebra is a women ´s undergarment that is intended for men to enjoy feeling. In Gia Mel ´s country of Chile, they also have the similar polpebra, which is an undergarment for female octopuses. Female workers in paper factories wear the pulpebra, which is very squishy. Bruce |
11 Jul 2011

Bruce is close to the meaning of our WOD. As we all know words evolve over the years and had today ´s word not done so many of you would have had an aha moment, you would known immediately what our word meant. A little background is needed. The Pope wears many ceremonial tunics. These tunics although made from the finest cloths often cause chafing. To prevent this holy chafing a special undergarment was created for his Holiness. This undergarment has straps and covers the chest, in effect it is much like a bra hence the original name papel bra. Many of the faithful were a little uncomfortable with the this name with its allutions to crossdressing and so the the name was changed to palpebra. Just a switch in one letter was enough to calm the thongs... excuse me... the throngs. So the papel bra became the palpebra. A little side note: Since the 1981 assasination attempt on Pope John Paul II the palpebra that is now bullet proof and since 1987 the Vatican has an exclusive contract with Victoria ´s Secret for the making of aforementioned garment. Ed |
11 Jul 2011

Has anyone else noticed that the guys went immediately for the "women ´s under garmet" (bra)...
A palpebra was the first (and last) candelabra made of recycled paper products. After a few failed tests - and a few unfortunate house fires - the idea was quickly discarded.
11 Jul 2011

@Zora... What??? My definition happens to be true and it ´s not a female undergarment. Papelbra was the original spelling... jeeezzz. It is so difficult being misunderstood. ;-) |
11 Jul 2011

My mistake Ed... so a palpebra isn ´t anything like a "man-sierre"... you know, for them man-boobs!! |
11 Jul 2011

Hi everyone!
I think the palpebra
is an animal, and especially
an animal that likes to befriend zebras. By mistake a child said once"Look, it ´s the pal of
a pebra" (instead of ´zebra ´)
and so the animal was given the name
11 Jul 2011

As a Californian, I am used to hearing the slang term for "brother" as "Bro" or "Braa" . Sometimes people find that their brother is also their best friend (or Pal). When this is the case we have "my pal is me brother" or in shorter/slang form "palbebra"
Douglas |
11 Jul 2011

In French "palper" is slang for touching, so I ´m thinking we ´re talking about a pervert here, you know a guy who can ´t help but touching women ´s breast.....OMG!! |
11 Jul 2011

@ MapleLeaf:What a nice story! True literature, or should I say poetry?  |
11 Jul 2011

Gia Mel
You ´ve been very creative... Thanks for participating in this game...
First... The true meaning is...
PALPEBRA: n. (pl. -ae ) eyelid. palpebral, a. palpebrate, a. having palpebrae;, v.i. wink.
Although I loved all your definitions, there must be only one winner...
And the winner is:
YANOGATOR ! Congratulations!
Good night everybody! Nice Game... |
12 Jul 2011