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The Reform Symposium Reminder
The Reform Symposium Reminder
Reform Symposium is 29-31 July. Do check the schedule for the 100 amazing presentations. My session will be on Saturday, 20.30 GMT and I hope to see you there giving me smiley faces to make me feel more at ease!!! This is the link for it: Do notice that the link for the session will only become active one hour
before that presentation is due to start. When you click on a webinar
link, a small Java download will be sent to your computer. Accept it,
and after a few seconds a new window will open for the presentation
room. See you there!
PS: I �ll be recommending our beloved sites ESLPRINTABLES and ENGLISH EXERCISES in my presentation.
29 Jul 2011
Dear marcia,
I would LOVE to attend but i �m leaving on lolidays without Interet access (most of the time).... How horrible!!!!!!!! especially when the symposium is going to take place!
I hope i can catch up later with podcats... :)
marie |
29 Jul 2011
And I �d certainly love to have you there, Marie!!! I �ll let you know when the recording is made available. Enjoy your holidays!!! M�rcia
29 Jul 2011
Marcia! Congratulations, dear friend! it will be awesome, you �ll see!!! I �ll try to log in, but I always get mixed up with the time differences!!! I �m not good at calculating times!!! But I �ll try, I promise! Hugs, Mar |
29 Jul 2011
Anna P
Your presentation is FANTASTIC, Marcia! It �s going to be a great success! I have just checked it and I �m really impressed.
At the risk of sounding even older than I am, how does an online session work? Do I simply turn on my computer and watch it? Do I use my web cam? How do I do?
29 Jul 2011
@ Mar, if I �m not wrong, Mexico is GMT -5 hours, so it should be at 15.30 your local time. Hope I �ve got it right! I �m very slow at thinking these days!!! LOL
@ Anna, I hope I don �t make a fool of myself! You have no idea how many butterflies there are in my poor tommy! LOL It �s my first time as an online presenter and what �s making me feel worse is that I won �t be able to see the attendees. Basically, you just turn the computer on and watch it. There will be some interaction, and you will be asked to click some buttons, give me smiley faces, and write into a chatbox or onto the whiteboard. You might use a mic to ask questions at the end. (please don �t! I might not be able to answer!!! hahahaha! Kidding!) Hope we have fun!!! Looking forward to "seeing" you there! xxx
PS: Do notice that the link for the session will only
become active one hour before that presentation is due to start. When
you click on the webinar link, a small Java download will be sent to
your computer. Accept it, and after a few seconds a new window will open
for the presentation room.
29 Jul 2011
Mariethe House
Marcia! I hope I will be able to watch someof it but I have got guests that night! Anyway , I am sure you will be perfect! Those who can watch it , please give some feedback!
29 Jul 2011