Hello, Everyone,I think that some of our Members are on Holiday so they are unable to reply to PM �s.
This is the "WORD of the DAY", for the weekend.
What does this English idiomatic expression REALLY mean?
Here are the previous definitions.
Don �t look up the definition in the Dictionary, please. Just give us your silly, daft, or plain crazy descriptions as to what you think that the phrase means.
The Winner, who in my opinion, is the person who has given the stupidest, wildest or most ridiculous suggestion, will be anounced at midnight, (approximately), Spanish time, on Sunday, 07/08/2011. If you are going on holiday soon, please, say so, then the Winner can be chosen from those who are staying at home. The Winner chooses the next "Word" and chooses the Winner.
I am looking forward to your witty suggestions.