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What is the link between teaching and Matt Damon?
What is the link between teaching and Matt Damon?
Loved this when I first saw it. His mother is a teacher:
If you �re interested, this is a transcript of the short speech he gave at the rally which annoyed the so-called �libertarian � media in the States (we old-fashioned Europeans still think fondly of �libertarian � as essentially left-wing, anti-authoritarian).
14 Aug 2011
Not only is he brilliant and talented - but he �s got a great opinion about many things! Thanks for the link!
14 Aug 2011
Interesting!Thanks for sharing the links! |
15 Aug 2011
Very interesting, thank you for sharing. I knew he was a brilliant actor, but had no idea he had such a brilliant mind, too.
15 Aug 2011
Thank you, seansarto. Your petulant mini-rant has given me an idea. The next time I feel like a change of avatar, I �ll use Matt Damon and sign off with:
Edit: seansarto has deleted his original post, edited it and, for some reason, re-posted it further down the thread with an extra (possibly unfinished) comment - although I notice he�s decided to hang on to the dangling participle : )
15 Aug 2011
Your sense of humour is as dry as a peanut....=your emphasis to parts of the delivery or nil by mouth. And please remember the rules here The forum:
Don �t use the forum for personal attacks. Those kind of posts will
be removed by the administrator.
Never insult other users or try to hurt them. Not that you have hurt or insulted me as it �s very reassuring to know you find the time to keep mentioning me wether they are Positive or Negative they are all welcome. What is the greatest reward of being alive? Is it chocolate, sex, ice cream, tropical holidays, hugs from children your�s or someone else�s, a perfect night�s sleep, or the satisfaction of a job well done? A thousand people, a thousand different answers, and more sex. But one supreme pleasure that spans all people is laughter. And I�m laugthing at you. KEEP IT UP FELLOWS I KNOW YOUR STUDENTS RESPECT YOU AND LOVE YOU TO BITS. NOW REDBULL DOES GIVE YOU WINGS YOU KNOW .
15 Aug 2011
Speaking from experience, "Matt Damon" is about as talented as "Red Bull" (the drink) is. He is just another attempt by Hollywood to get its product into your classroom and prove how superior their product is to yours.
Crass and empty con-artistry geared towards impressionable minds. Don �t fall for it teachers or so will your children |
15 Aug 2011
Does it mean that, by saying this, Sean, you �re stating you disagree with Matt �s words and there �s actually no army of regular decent people who appreciate our work and influence on their life? Honestly, no army?Sophia
15 Aug 2011
You �ve hit the nail on the head there, Sophia. If Mr Sarto had bothered reading the transcript, for example, he �d surely be arguing about the points that Matt Damon makes instead of coming out with the rather simplistic argument that Matt Damon = film star; film star = Hollywood; Hollywood = crass & empty con-artistry; therefore Matt Damon = crass & empty con artist.
Mind you, logical fallacies like this can sometimes be very educational as well as occasionally entertaining. |
15 Aug 2011
Speaking from experience, "Matt Damon" is about as talented as "Red Bull" (the drink) is. He is just another attempt by Hollywood to get its product into your classroom and prove how superior their product is to yours.
Crass and empty con-artistry geared towards impressionable minds. Don �t fall for it teachers or so will your children.
15 Aug 2011