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Country´s Flag
Country´s Flag
Hi Victor!
Sorry to bother you as well....
I was the past, when we moved our cursor over a flag, we could see which country it was from (the name of the country would appear) and I began to learn the different flags of different countries...but since you added the messenger envelope below the flags, it�s not possible to see the country�s name any more (since my knowledge of flags is pretty bad, I can�t tell which countries my fellow colleagues come from.) Is there any way we could get that back without removing the messenger envelopes?
As my Ss would say: "Messenger Rocks!!!" It�s really very handy! Thanx a lot!
I�d also like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a lovely Xmas and may 2009 be happy & prosperous! You�ve created a really fanastic community here, and we�re all grateful to you!
Fondest Regards, Alex
21 Dec 2008
Hi Alex!
That may occur if you are using Firefox instead of IE. With the first one the country cannot be seen... With IE you can...
Hope it helps...
21 Dec 2008
Thanks guys...I�ve just changed to firefox! That must be it then!!!
Season�s Greetings to all of you!
Kisses from cold Greece! (But no snow!!!)
21 Dec 2008
Hi alex1968, I�ve never been able to see the name of the country just by moving the mouse over the flag, but if you right click with the mouse on the image of the flag and click on properties, then it does tell you the country, too. It�s not as comfortable, but it works fine for me! Hope it helps! Mietz
21 Dec 2008
Mietz! It worked just the way you explained to me! Great! because I plan on keeping firefox now that IE has the problems that it does!
Thanx again!
21 Dec 2008
Olindalima ( F )
Hi, Alex, No need to leave Firefox. Just right click over the flag, choose SAVE IMAGE AS and wait; you don�t need to save the picture, but it will appear with the name of the country in the name of the doc. Just cancel, if you don�t want the flag ( hehehe ) olinda
21 Dec 2008
I use Google Chrome and no name of country appears either, but Olindalima�s suggestion works. �I was a bit asahmed the other day when I saw some posts and was onlt able to recognise one country (in a post about flags actually). �So now I can check out any I don�t know, thx |
22 Dec 2008