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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > Basic Skills / Foundation Class
Basic Skills / Foundation Class

Basic Skills / Foundation Class
Dear all,
I will be teaching a basic skills class this year. These are students who are very low achievers, have learning difficulties and very often behavioural problems. They can �t read or write with the exception of basic words perhaps. Doesn �t sound easy, does it? Can you please suggest materials and resources that can be effective and facilitate teaching and learning? I have Hotspot coursebook available.
Thanks again.  |
25 Aug 2011

carme sammut
I am a complementary teacher and deal with such students everyday. First and foremost I try to instill curiosity and interest through stories online and interactive games. Then I make use of spinners and dice for word banks. These will lead to sentence building and creative tasks. I try to elicit their interests for example soccer, car races and through their interests I build up word banks. Example: football teams like Blackpool, Arsenal, Manchester United. Incredible enough they are able to write out the names of their favourite football teams, or famous wrestlers. My lessons always consist of multi- sensory tasks: initial and ending sound, oral story telling, oral questions etc.
best regards
carmen |
25 Aug 2011

Grazzi hafna Carmen :) Do you use any particular resources?
Mar |
25 Aug 2011