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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > Teaching Speaking
Teaching Speaking

Teaching Speaking
If you teach speaking then look at this:
This series of 9 short BBC videos on the topic of teaching speaking features footage of and interviews with Thai teachers of English from state primary and secondary schools, interspersed with commentary from a UK teacher trainer.
27 Aug 2011

Great videos, very useful, thanks!!!!!!!!!! |
27 Aug 2011

I �m probably just stupid but I can �t see the videos, just a non-clickable picture..Can someone help me out? I would love to see the vids.. |
27 Aug 2011

Oh, now I need my password...I knew I should have written it down somewhere. It �s probably going to be easier to just register again.. :)
Thansk for your help anyway David, BTW, just printed out your fabulous alphabet tracers. Getting ready for a class of beginners. Thanks again. |
27 Aug 2011

Wow thanks for the links. The videos have some great advice for all of us ESL teachers. I haven �t been able to watch them all yet but I �ll definitely get around to it tomorrow.
Richard |
27 Aug 2011

Thanks Flo,
Something seems to be wrong with my computer. For a split second, there are pictures and texts in the big box under the director �s slate picture but before I can really seen, they disappear...I �ll try again tomorrow. |
27 Aug 2011