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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Teaching Idioms
Teaching Idioms
Teaching Idioms
Just thought I would share something I found useful for my idioms classroom with my students. �I found a local store that sells cards in a neat little box called Word Teasers. �The have an Idioms Edition that you can use with your advanced level students (possibly your intermediate level students). �Basically, the cards present an Idiom Challenge question with a question and and idiom included in the question. �The students have to answer the question and you can then assess whether they understand the idiom or not. �On the back of the card, it gives the meaning/definition of the idiom and also the origin of the expression. �You can really choose the way you want to use the cards. �As an assessment or as an introduction to get their attention. �Obviously, this is NOT my original work so I could not put it in as a printable but, I thought I would share it with the rest of the kind folks here on the forum. �The website to find these cards at is �
Good luck!
Nicole |
25 Sep 2008
Thank you Nicole,
Looks like a great set for a reasonable price. Unfortuanetly the free delivery is only in the US - but would love to use this idea.
great find |
25 Sep 2008
Nicole, thank you for caring about educators who are trying to make a difference in a child�s life.
1 Oct 2008