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Sharing site for Russian teachers -
Sharing site for Russian teachers -
Dear Russian Teachers!
There may be a lot of you here who are teachers of both English and Russian. So let me use this space to reach out to you, and tell you that we at have launched the Russian platform today for teachers of Russian as a second and foreign language. The site is available at It is completely empty and is waiting for you to start filling it with teaching materials.
Thank you to all our helpers for the site translation! We tried to make sure there are no translation errors left, but if you find any, and you are willing to help correct them, please let me know and I will give you an admin pass. Then you �ll be able to log in to our admin platform and do the corrections on your own.
The site also needs a little help with responding to forum posts, since we don �t speak Russian. Until we can find one, I will respond to the Russian posts myself using an online translator, so you �d better hurry up signing up to be a site assistant or else you �ll have to make do with weird robot translations on the Forum. :)
Bless up, Peter
30 Aug 2011
Dear Peter, I �m ethnically Russian, and I �ve spotted a tiny mistake in your introductory message in a sentence, that starts with we believe in... поэтому доступ к этому сайту бесплатный (not бесплатно) As the word should be an adjective which characterizes the noun доступ. While the word you used is an adverb. BTW the ending line can have a different meaning:) The phrase "с приветом" can make any Russian smile, bc it can mean "not quite sane". I think "Искренне Ваш, Коллектив сайта" would sound better. Anyway, it �s my personal opinion, let �s see what other Russians will say. Sophia
P. S. If you ever need help with translation from English into Russian for your new site, don�t hesitate to contact me, I�d be glad to help you out:)
30 Aug 2011
Thank you Sophia, I �ll PM you.
Well, last time I �ve been told I �m "not quite sane" was the day before yesterday when me and three others went on a freestyle 30 km run around Lake Velencei in Hungary. On the way we met like a hundred other runners, they thought we were not okay in the head, because as it turned out there was another organized running race that day, but they made a circle from the opposite direction. :) Anyways, let �s see what others think the intro should say. |
30 Aug 2011
Dear Peter, I tried to correct some sentences and words of your article.
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If you need a help feel free to contact me. Thanks for your great work, Tatyana.
30 Aug 2011
I don �t want to be a party pooper but is it too much to ask that messages proofreading another site, and not in English, can be sent by PM?
I completely understand why Kisdobos asks for help on the forum but I fail to see why the �content responses � (rather that a mere �congrats �) need to be on the forum.. most of us have no use for it whatsoever , my pc doesn �t even support the Russian font so it turns up as gibberish....) |
30 Aug 2011