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Confused with 3rd grade pupils...URGENT

Confused with 3rd grade pupils...URGENT
I am a bit confused because I will teach 3rd grade pupils and i used to teach only adults. In addition, I started with them last week then they just kept looking at me wondering ...
Please I would be so thankful if you provide me with advice especially those who experienced that. I just need one lesson plan to have an idea about this level. I am trying to find a way to motivate them and devide my lesson in a very very careful way because they have 3 hours at once.
I really need your help, with anything that can be helpful.
Thank you a lot. |
7 Sep 2011

Hey there! My, my...I �m sure it �s pretty overwhelming to make such a transition.
However, when teaching children, you can have a lot more fun! Try to find a coursebook that will work with your students � level. Does your school have one?
As for a lesson �s what I tend to do with my younger students:
1.) Warm up (get students speaking English, sing hello song).
2.) Review (review a previous lesson �s content or content relevant to the current day �s topic).
3.) Lesson introduction (build student �s interest in the current lesson).
4.) Lesson guidance (Guide students to complete the course material such as reading, software, etc).
5.) Practice (Let students practice the new material).
6.) Flashcard games/activities (Give students the chance to use the new material).
7.) Worksheets/bookwork
8.) Review
9.) Wind down (say goodbyes, sing goodbye song, clean up, etc).
I hope this helps a bit. If you have other questions just let us know.
You can find some more tips on teaching children at my blog
Good luck!
~creator of Keep Up ESL |
7 Sep 2011

Games, games aaand games, lots of repetition, songs, TPR, stick to basic vocabulary and repeat it many times, flashcards, MIMING!, let the kids DRAW on the board... topics: body, colours, clothes, feelings, numbers, animals, things in the classroom, basic verbs + miming, adjectives, opposites of adjectives (big, small, noisy, quiet...), vehicles, I (don�t) like...., food, hobbies, sports, weather, jobs. Get them moving!
revision of prepositions:
Revision of school objects - kids sit in a circle, place 10 things on a table cloth, name it, ask kids "What�s this?", cover it, remove one (put it into a bag), uncover the 9 objects, ask students "What �s missing?" Repeat. Then put one of the things under the cloth, ask one student to touch it and say "What �s there?" ... or try this:
clothes + action - actions
What to do with flashcards
7 Sep 2011

Ask the students to repeat the sentences in various ways (loudly, quietly, in a high voice) Don �t talk for a long time. Change the activities a lot. Sing songs. Mime activities (What am I doing? ... You are swimming!) Divide the class into teams and play games. Try biiig boardgames - put big sheets of paper on the floor. Ask students to draw pics on the sheets. Revise vocabulary... "Go to the zoo." "Go to the cinema." "Go to the hospital" etc... Young students need a lot of repetition and TPR activities.
Good luck!
7 Sep 2011

They have a three hour lesson! OMG: poor them and poor you. That would be my idea of a nightmare!
Maybe try to split the three hours into distinct slots.
First hour topic/vocab based work with games and flashcards etc Second hour Story based work- you read a story and have activities based on the story for them to do. (There are literally hundreds/thousands of ways to do this) Third hour: games , speaking activities, some independent activities....
Or two 1 1/2 hour slots.... Three hours is crazy for kids. I know that I can �t concentrate for that long... how is your school expecting grade 3 kids to?
Good luck!
7 Sep 2011

Mehlika Sultan
hi i also have never taught 3rd graders,but it happened 2years ago. All stuff mentioned by Moravc works very well. just want to add: They like role play and especially with prompts and music - easier to learn English by repeating subconsciously while singing. Role play any song related to a given topic. For me it worked very well a lesson outside the classroom. They like competitions as well. I have 2 hours for every meeting and it �s too long already. Maybe you try to change your schedule coz it �ll not be very efficient and also coz of their attention span. Good Luck!
7 Sep 2011

HI Baddache,
I also teach 3rd grade and my lessons are 2 hours long (which i feel is too long) but no point in complaining about it to the school, they don �t understand a word that i say !!
the previous posters have some great ideas, I divide the lesson into 2 1 hour slots with a little water/toilet break in the middle. Games are definatly the way forward, kids love them !! Try charades, tic tac toe, play hangman with the vocab you have taught. some of my kids love singing but some are pretty shy and don �t like to join in when i get them singing so this may or may not work for you. eye spy with my little eye ( great if you have a lot of pics on the walls of your class room - more difficult if not)
do a google search on classroom warmers/ icebreakers. these will really help to get the students focused and ready to learn.
also anything which can keep the kids moving around will help, if they are sat behind a desk for more than 20mins they will loose all intrest in the lesson. keep them active. have them do some star jumps/ squat thrusts if they look like they might be loosing intrest.
good luck and let us know how you get on :)
7 Sep 2011