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bilingual teaching

bilingual teaching
Hi dear teachers
I �ve got a question mainly for bilingual teachers in Spain. I will be teaching bilingual lessons (science and arts) during this school year, it will be my first time and I would like to know ideas from you. how do you do it???
I am thinking of using the first 15-20 minutes just for speaking, routines, and the rest of the lesson I am supposed to teach the same content as in science (conocimiento del medio) but using the english language.
can you share your ideas, teaching techniques, projects, please??? are there any worksheet uploaded here??
thanks for your help |
8 Sep 2011

In my opinion, you should only teach your subject in English because the other part will be done by the English teacher. Make your your students understand you and translate during the first part of the year if they need it, afterwards they will get used to listening to you speaking in English. That �s my experience. I am the coordinator of a bilingual section and we are delighted to have dared to put in to practice this project.
Good luck
Yolanda |
8 Sep 2011