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Grammar and Linguistics > How to read your height in American English...
How to read your height in American English...
How to read your height in American English...
How to teach reading your height: eg, I am 1.70 tall. Is it: 1. I am one metre seventy tall 2. I am one point seven metres tall 3. I am a hundred and seventy centimetres tall. OR: 4. using the two words "feet" and "inches" I am 5 feet ...
Thank you in advance.
11 Sep 2011
In the US - I say: I �m 5 - 6 or 5 feet 6 - which everyone over there would understand. In Europe I say: I �m 170 which everyone would also probably understand.
11 Sep 2011
Very few Americans would use the metric system to tell you their height or weight. Most would say "I �m 5-6", well not most, but those who are 5 feet 6 inches tall I �m pretty sure most Americans aren � t 5 feet 6 inches tall (especially the Texans) and even they might fib and say "I �m 5-8". Then there are those who would say "I �m 5 foot 6." |
11 Sep 2011
@Sainte-Marie...Not on those damn heels she �s not. LOL Ed |
11 Sep 2011
Ed, the last time I remember her disquised as a man... |
11 Sep 2011
Feet, inches etc (imperial units) are still commonly used in the UK.
By the way, there is such an animal as plural �foot�, especially when it�s used between a number and a noun: "I wouldn�t touch that with a twelve-foot bargepole" (you just wouldn�t say twelve-feet bargepole).
11 Sep 2011
foot is used if you are using it as an adjective:
It �s a ten-foot pool.
The pole is ten feet long.
My key-phrase: "The five-foot man is five feet tall."
EDIT: Oh yeah, I say I am "five- ten", five-foot ten", or "five feet, ten inches tall" |
12 Sep 2011