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Dessert translation!
Dessert translation!
Hello everyone!
I �ve just finished my favourite dessert-"Baba de Camelo" in Portuguese.
It �s made with eggs and "leite condensado".
Do you know the English name for it???
Thanks in advance! |
13 Sep 2011
I think it �s a FLAN
1 cup white sugar
4 eggs, separated
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
3/4 cup milk, plus
2 tablespoons milk |
13 Sep 2011
It �s not Flan. I looked up the recipe and it �s quite different to it.
There isn �t anything that I know of in english similar to the recipe except maybe a pudding. My experience is that you should not translate regional names of dishes. You should just call it "Baba de Camelo" and then if asked, explain to the person what it is.
13 Sep 2011
Dear friends:
Thanks a lot for your explanations !
It �s wiser to use the regional names of the dishes but sts keep on asking what the English name would look like!
kiss |
13 Sep 2011
We cook condensd milk to make caramel.
Maybe it �s a �Caramel Mousse � ....... sounds better than Camel �s Dribble - the other translation I saw. |
14 Sep 2011
Leite condensado is � �condensed milk � � . We use that ingrediente for several desserts in Peru so I bought it at supermarkets in the United States when I wanted to make delicious peruvian desserts for my Spanish students there and my Interpreting class. I was doubtious at first but I was so glad I found the name in English.
And about the name of the dessert , I recommend you check first the recipe of both desserts, use the regional name but say it is a � �type of Flan � � as you explain the different ingredients they may have.
Miss Melissa |
14 Sep 2011
In English, a cooked (on the stove or in the oven) mixture of milk, sugar and eggs is called "custard", so this is a custard. It would also be outrageously sweet, with a can of sweetened condensed milk and a cup of sugar! Bruce the baker (by hobby, not profession) |
14 Sep 2011