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Help preparing a class
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Help preparing a class
Hello, teachers. I�m
preparing a lesson clan for a new school. In their lesson plan model there are listed
the following items: Ice breaker, warm up, lead-in, engage. I know what steps to take in a class, but I can�t see clearly the difference between them. Can you tell me? Can you give examples? Thanks in Advance.
15 Sep 2011
J� que � brasileira vamos l�. Isso me parece uma aula para o CNA. O ice breakes tem um site dave�s cafe que � �timo. Essa ativida � para quebrar o gelo e os alunos se conhecerem , ent�o vai depender do n�vel. O Warm up se for em uma segunda aula funciona como uma pequena revis�o. Se for a primeira aula leve uma atividade para reconhecimento do conhecimento do aluno. Lead in n�o vou saber te explicar, acredito que seja um levantamento pr�vio. E por �ltimo, o engage, serve para engajar os alunos no t�pico que ser� ensinado, � como se fosse uma demonstra��o do que eles v�o aprender para entrar no clima. Geralmente para o engage eu mostro algum filme relacionado com o assunto ou fa�o um hot potato com vocabularios, se conhecer algumas m�sica, imagens, flash cards, menus, vai depender muito do que voc� ir� ensinar. |
15 Sep 2011
ice breaker: you should make your students notice you. this part includes "good morning", "hello" "how are you" etc. you should have a big smiling face and give the message that you love them and you work for them. you should get a positive first interaction with them.
warm up: you should warm them up for the topic. here they should start to have an idea about what your topic is and what they will learn. For example, you will teach them family members. You can show them some pictures about Simpsons, your family etc. They should find the topic : family
Lead-in: here you should make them know all the items. for example, Simpsons; you should show them mother, father, son etc. this is the part you prepare them for the main part of the lesson. After learning required items, they are completely ready for your activities.
Engage: You should make the students produce. they can talk about their families, draw pictures of them or read and write about families. |
15 Sep 2011
| explains
warm ups, which are used to get the students ready to think and learn in
English. moany students speak their native tongue all the rest of the
time and need some activity to ease them into English.
The same site also has icebreakers, which, as julianasnovais explained, is for new groups to get to know
each other and interact together.
15 Sep 2011