Don īt do it in Russia!
Don īt do it in Russia. It īs rude! |
15 Sep 2011
It īs a reply to Zora īs thread |
15 Sep 2011
How they say, you can do it only keeping your hands in your pockets... from the evil eye :)
15 Sep 2011
@Sainte-Marie Where in the States are you from?? |
16 Sep 2011
Very curious indeed!My older male cousins/uncles always used to grab my nose as a child and pretend that they had snatched it away from me. They always would make this hand sign as if they had the tip of my nose in their hand!! (And yes, I was gullible and believed them... granted I was only 4 or 5! )
16 Sep 2011
They īre obviously doing it in Russia or there wouldn īt be any Russians. Ed |
16 Sep 2011
Ed . Obviously a Louis Armstrong fan.
16 Sep 2011
In Guatemala is rude too... but people use that sign when you don īt want to do a thing. But we use both hands and we use to say crab īs eyes...
16 Sep 2011
Edrodmedina has a very "nice" impression of Russians! |
16 Sep 2011
@Ed: do you mean fooling people or procreating? Sophia |
16 Sep 2011