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Games, activities and teaching ideas > PODSLURPING - WOD īs this? 2nd bite at the cherry, if you want
PODSLURPING - WOD īs this? 2nd bite at the cherry, if you want
PODSLURPING - WOD īs this? 2nd bite at the cherry, if you want
The WOD?
The previous bites at the cherry?
I know Saturday īs a slow day, but give it a bash anyway. It costs nothing and you owe nothing.
17 Sep 2011
Pod of course refers to legs or feet as in tripod, a three legged stand. Slurping means to consume by sucking in such as when one uses a straw or is eating those thick Japanese noodles. Those who have had such a treat will agree that the only proper way to get all that juicy 𢘫eat� off of the bones of a pig𠏋 foot is to slurp it. Podslurping, therefore, refers to eating or consuming pig𠏋 feet. |
17 Sep 2011
I believe the correct definition of PODSLURPING is: the name of an character from the game POD - POWER OF DREAMS. It is known for being quite obnoxious as he slurps everything he gets: either solid or liquid. here is the famous character:
17 Sep 2011