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school punishments

school punishments
Hi! I �m preparing a lesson for one of my classes (Vocational School-15-16 years old students) about school in the UK/USA and in Italy. My students are very interested in school rules and especially punishments for breaking these rules. So, I was wondering, what kind of punishments do you use in your countries? I know about detention and writing out in the UK and the USA, then I �ve read about things like Murga in some parts of India. In Italy we write down bad remarks in the class register (How would you call that in proper English??), we call home, send for parents, students may get suspension, we confiscate their mobile phones if they use them, and things like that. What about your country? I �m very curious about it and my students too! Hope you can help me!! Thank you Chiara |
21 Sep 2011

If a student breaks something, he/she has to work for school after the classes, eg. do some gardening, cleaning, help the teacher with tidying up the teaching tools, wash-up the glass tubes etc (for chemistry classes), make a new teaching tool - a poster for English... They might be asked to help with kids, read to them, help them with their homework (at the school club for young kids aged 6-10 whose parents are at work until 17:00) It depends whether it is a school in a big town or a small village school.
21 Sep 2011

Hi Chiara! Everything you described as punishment in your country, is exactly what we have here, plus : not only negative comments but also low grades . Days of suspension depend on what happened to deserve it, how bad it is. And of course, if it is way too bad, the school can always expel the student. |
21 Sep 2011

If a class behaves badly, they may lose their right to have a break (kind of collective punishment)
In my province (I don �t know if it is the case for the rest of the country), teachers aren �t allowed to assign low marks to disruptive students Marks are connected to academic performance (Anyway misbehaviour goes hand in hand with low academic achievement imho!) |
21 Sep 2011

manonski (f)
I teach elementary.
Students can get detention at recess of after school. For worse problems, they can return on pedagogical days (a day when teachers work but kids have no school).
Other possible actions: memo to parents, working in the corridor instead of being in the class, visit to the principal, phone call home, suspension for a day or more and then a return to school with parents. Some objects can get confiscated as well.
Like Carinita, grades are for academic. I can �t deduct marks for misbehaving.
21 Sep 2011

All our students at primary and secondary schools have one mark for behaviour on their certificates. They are given two certificates per schoolyear, winter term and summer term. IF they miss classes, misbehave, fight, smoke cigarettes at school, drink alcohol, are late for classes, attack teachers verbally, their mark for behaviour is lower. The best mark is 1, the worst mark is 3.
From most common to least common: Bad remarks in the class register / student �s Grade Notebook Phone call home / note to the parent
Confiscation (of mobiles, games...) Detention - recess Visit to the principal No break / all students have to stay in the classroom - collective punishment Suspension Lowered mark of "Behaviour" (student �s certificate) Student is expelled
(cleaning the blackboard, gardening, tidying, helping teachers is an alternative (non-standard) punishment, usually not mentioned in the class register etc...) - standing in the corner - was a popular punishment for misbehaving small kids - no games, is not allowed to participate at games
21 Sep 2011

Thanks for your answers!!! Chiara |
22 Sep 2011