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Help for Business English Classes
Help for Business English Classes
Hello my dear colleagues!
I need your help, I have a private Business English student, and I can�t find materials for her class, she is an adult an her level is pre-intermediate. Can you give some suggestions? Thank you!
22 Sep 2011
Hi! I �m working with some private students teaching Business English, too. I �m currently using the Intelligent Business series, Pearson Longman, elementary and pre-intermediate levels. I think they �re very nice and entertaining for adults. You can try getting them, but I don �t know if they are available or free to download from the net. =(
You can aldo try getting some material from these sites. They have been really useful for me
Hope it helps!
22 Sep 2011
I am really appreciate your answer thank you, help me a lot.
22 Sep 2011
Lovely Lana
I like the Business Result series from Oxford. The teacher �s book gives you tips how to implement the course and each unit to your students needs (one-to-one teaching or a group, whether they are business people or just students who only study to enter the business world). Besides, there is an interactive workbook on a CD - that is important for my students because they don �t have to pay extra for a workbook.
Good luck! |
22 Sep 2011
Hello! My dear colleagues Thanks for the answers helped me a lot.
25 Sep 2011