A German boy was
keen on Anagrams. He spent weeks
studying the famous quotation from Shakespeare�s �Hamlet�.
�To be or not to
be: that is the question, whether �tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings
and arrows of outrageous fortune.�
Eventually, by
using every letter in the original quotation, he produced the following Anagram.
�In one of the
Bard �s best-thought-of tragedies, our insistent hero, Hamlet, queries on two
fronts about how life turns rotten.�
He showed it to his �Opa�, (his �grand-father�),
who was a famous linguist.
The grand-father
was not impressed. �I will congratulate you with the
German word, �Ausgezeichnet�, (�Excellent�). But, there are conditions!�
�I have a
conundrum for you.�
�One. Give me a synonym, in English, for the word, �Excellent�.�
�Two. At the same time, tell me the language of the
ancient Arctic tribe of Eurasians from northwest Siberia, the �Kets�, who first
used this word.�
The boy was
nervous! He thought, he drew a deep
breath, and then he stammered to his grand-father.
�K � Opa � Ketic�.
The grand-father
paused, smiled, and quietly answered: �Ausgezeichnet!�