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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Highly paid teachers, they ´ve never had it so good!!!
Highly paid teachers, they ´ve never had it so good!!!

Highly paid teachers, they ´ve never had it so good!!!
Are you sick of highly paid
teachers? Teachers ´ hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9
or10 months a year! It ´s time we put things in perspective and pay them for
what they do - babysit! We can get that for less than minimum wage. That ´s
right. Let ´s give them £5.93 an hour and only
the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they
spend before or after school. That would be £ 41.51 a day (8.30 am to 3:30 PM with 60 min. off for lunch and plan-- that equals 7 1/2 hours).
Each parent should pay £ 41.51 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children. Now
how many students do they teach in a day...maybe 90? So that ´s £ 41.51 x 90 = £ 3735.90 a day. However, remember they only work 180
days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any holidays . LET ´S SEE....
That ´s
£ 3735.90 X 180= £
672462.00 per year. (Hold on! My
calculator needs new batteries). What about those special education teachers
and the ones with Master ´s degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage (£ 6.90), and just to be fair, round it off to £ 7.00 an hour. That would be £
7.00 X 71/2 hours X 90 children X 180 days = £ 850500.00 per year. Wait
a minute -- there ´s something wrong here! There sure is! The average teacher ´s
salary (nation wide) is £ 25000.00/180 days = £ 138.90 per day/ 90 students = £ 1.54 /
7 1/2 hours = £ 0.20 per hour per student--a very inexpensive
baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your kids!) WHAT A DEAL!!!! Make a teacher
smile (or cry!); this is what you are missing
24 Sep 2011

Frank, the idea is great but critics will soon take down your math by claiming -rightly so- that we as esl teachers don ´t actually teach 90 students for 7.5 hours a day and thereby they will brush off the whole message you ´re trying to convey.
I calculated just my hours in front of a class, with the real amount of students in my class.
Even though I hold a master ´s degree, I decided to go for 5 pounds an hour to keep it all clear and easy.. Here it goes..
I’ve got 16 kids who study 3 hours a week. That would, at 5 pounds an hour,
add up to 16x3x5+ 240 pounds a week.
I’ve got another 30 kids who study 4 hours a week. That would be, again at 5 pounds an hour, 30x4x5= 600 pounds a week.
Multiply that by 4 (even though most weeks have a bit more than four weeks)
and you get (240+600)x4= 3360 pounds a month.
Wow, with the current shekel to pound rate that is 6 times as much as I make!!!!
(and that salary even includes the private tutoring and the paid meetings time)
I should find out what the going rate for babysitting is is this country and re-do it in local currency.......probably a little less painful but still would show we make less, far less, than a babysitter!
24 Sep 2011

Thank you for this message that even though could make us feel desperate made me laugh!
Seeing the smile of one of our students, this is the best wage. Not to talk about all the thankful parents!
I even wonder if we should get paid for what we do! This is not real work, is it?!
Have a great weekend, with no work (of course!)
24 Sep 2011