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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Who can find me a family gathering video? thanks!
Who can find me a family gathering video? thanks!

Who can find me a family gathering video? thanks!
I am going to teach a reading passage on the topic "Tips on Visiting an American family" which covers several specific areas, gifts to take, time to arrive and greetings & compliments. In the warming-up part before the class, I �d like to show students a video of westerners family dinner or gathering. I tried youtube but I can �t download any. Who can give me a helping hand about that? Could you find some other site with the video I need that supports downloading or would you mind sending your own to me if it �s OK? I will use it nowhere but in class. A Million thanks. |
25 Sep 2011

maybe you �ll like this cartoon:) Sophia |
25 Sep 2011