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Message board > Debate Topic: Have you ever started Christmas shopping at the end of summer? (or earlier?)
Debate Topic: Have you ever started Christmas shopping at the end of summer? (or earlier?)
Debate Topic: Have you ever started Christmas shopping at the end of summer? (or earlier?)
Ok folks, I just came across this little snippet on Google News:
Now, I have to admit that I do shop early... I have been known to pick up Christmas cards or wrapping paper in the January sales. I am also extremely guilty of going gaga at the sight of Christmas ornaments on display in stores, buying a few trinkets and then sneaking them home until December. (Heck, I �ve been banned from putting up the tree until the 1st of December ... at least in the English center!
So... Does anybody else suffer from this Yuletide affliction? Are you also a victim of Christmasy consumerism?
27 Sep 2011
Quite the opposite, I �m afraid. Bah humbug! |
27 Sep 2011
Olindalima ( F )
Hi Linda
So, you want to make me feel guilty, right? Ok, I don �t mind.
I am preparing Halloween right now, I have already made a new Horn of Plenty for this year Thanksgiving and I can �t wait starting shopping for Christmas.
I looooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeee shopping for Xmas decorations - I am addicted to Xmas decorations. I buy everything I put my eyes on. From aprons, to table clothes, bath towels. music boxes, wreaths,Rudolphs, nativity scenes, snowmen, xmas tree ornaments and SANTAS. I have a more than a hundred Santas. I really love that old man.
Look, my garden, at night and my stairs.
I �m crazy about Christmas. Pity you don �t live near, we could arrange and go shopping together.
Kisses, and Happy Christmas
Linda ( the other one )
27 Sep 2011
I am not a victim of Xmas consumerism but I must admit I shop early and throughout the year (No, I am not crazy!).
When I see something I woud like to offer someone because I think it is the perfect gift for that person, I buy it and then I keep it until it is Xmas.
And I do this all year. When Xmas time comes I enjoy it to the fullest without the usual shopping stress.
Hugs and kisses
from (still) sunny Portugal
Manuela |
27 Sep 2011
manonski (f)
I usually don �t start too early but this summer, I bought my mother �s Christmas gift when visiting Italy. I usually start thinking about presents after Halloween. I love Christmas decorations but I wait until December 1st before putting any inside or outside.
27 Sep 2011
Anna P
My name should have been Linda, too! We �re soul mates! Last March I went to California with my husband and all I could think of was looking for Christmas shops! I bought new things for my tree, for the Christmas village... until my husband declared "No more Christmas stuff!" I already have an attic full of huge plastic containers ready to come down!
One of my daughters � birthday is December 1st and to have the house ready for Christmas on her birthday is our own tradition. This year it �s going to be hard because I �m remodeling parts of the house and the living room will be painted. I �m living among clouds of dust and piles of broken bricks just waiting to bring my boxes down. |
28 Sep 2011