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Bigger problems than uploading but....
Mariethe House
Bigger problems than uploading but....
A few days ago, ED said I was responsible for the choice of ws that should be uploaded..
�It was true up to now but I have lost my magic powers and my magic wand has turned against me! In fact i have not been able to upload my own work sheets for 2 days! Is this a well deserved punishment? � So, please , someone, anyone, if you do find my magic wand , will you please return it to me to solve the following problem:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error �800adf21 �
Unknown runtime error: �ActiveDocument.SaveAs �
/send_printables/sendprintablesnew.asp, line 123
thank you so much!
Edit�:@ anyone facing the same problem! Good news! I copied the ws and pasted it on a new word document and it did the trick! � @ Ed: A different wand but seems to work better!
29 Sep 2011
Hi Mariethe!!!! I didn �t think you �d seen my post. It seems that the inability to post is becoming more and more of a problem. Unfortunately Victor is only one person and now that you �ve lost your wand what are we to do??? |
29 Sep 2011
maryse pey�
Poor Victor !!!! We may ask Harry Potter to duplicate him....
Doesn �t this show how popular our site is ? Great thanks Victor to have created such a useful and famous tool with which more and more become addicted with cureless hope !!!
Loads of thanks Victor ! As some singers would sing : "We are the champions !"
Plenty of hugs to all of you.
Mariethe, I think I �ve seen your wand in a Halloween witch �s hands... LOL
29 Sep 2011