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Games, activities and teaching ideas > I beg your pardon?
I beg your pardon?
I beg your pardon?
Hi folks! I was wondering if some of you native speakers could help me out here. I �m going to be teaching a class next week where the vocabulary will be fixed expressions for asking people to repeat (could you say that again? ... I beg your pardon? etc.) I �ve started drawing up a list of things I �m going to say using some cockney expressions and a couple of Scottish lines, too. ("Ye dinnae ken the way to the kirk do you, pal?" meaning "Could you tell me where the church is?" and "That �s a pucker whistle you �ve got on there me old china!" meaning "I like your suit sir!") I was wondering if anybody from Oz, New Zealand, the US the UK and Ireland could supply me with any similar confusing lines to baffle them with? I will of course write up a printable for it and post it here. Thanks in advance. |
3 Oct 2011
Ouch, that �s just brutal... what about us anglophones? Can �t we Canucks participate too? Or do we have to sit on the chesterfield, drinking a double double watching the rest of you deke us out?
3 Oct 2011
Nice one! Non natives, too of course and Canucks are more than welcome! Deke out, eh? Double double? Hmm? I �ll have to look into this one. |
3 Oct 2011
Deke out = outwit, and double, double = coffee with 2 cream and sugar.
Thanks, I was in a bit of a kerfuffle that us Canucks had to sit on the side lines.
3 Oct 2011
I like your posts very much! What does Canucks mean? Non natives?
Thank you.
Mariannina |
3 Oct 2011
Canucks is a nickname for Canadians.
Johnny Canuck was used to personify Canada in the same way as John Bull --England and Uncle Sam the United States. |
4 Oct 2011
From Oz
What did you say?
Waddya say?
What �s that?
Come again?
How are you?
How are you going? (How �re ya goin?)
How are they hanging? (Used by male mates at the pub - not particularly polite ;-) |
4 Oct 2011
Hey ya �all ... from the deep south, the Carolinas an � all, I was fixin � to say ... dern tootin �! |
4 Oct 2011
Not that I can remember much of my native English, I know ones that my American friends always have trouble understanding and so are probably very British include:
I �m gutted. = very disappointed I �m knackered. = very tired
4 Oct 2011
"Nice threads!" -- nice clothes/outfit
"How �s tricks?" -- what �s up?
"In English please!" -- can you say that in a way I can understand it?
"Quit talking jibberish" --speak so people can understand you
"Spit it out!" --stop stalling and say what you want to say. |
4 Oct 2011
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