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Activity tip in the contest for teachers - I NEED YOUR HELP!!!
Activity tip in the contest for teachers - I NEED YOUR HELP!!!
Hello guys!
I �m taking part in a contest for teachers from DISAL (bookstore). Now, I need votes - you just need to leave a comment on the picture with my "activity tip".
As we know how difficult it is to stimulate students, I tried to think about a fun activity that would be great for different learning styles "visual"/ "auditory"/ "kinaesthetic".
The link for the contest is the following:
The activity goes like this:
"Choose a song with lexical / grammatical items that you want to practise. Pick 15 to 20 words from this song and write them on slips of paper. Stick the paper slips on the board (or around the classroom). Split the students in two teams. Tell them they �re going to listen to a song and whenever they listen to one of the words on the board, they have to run and grab it. The team with most words in the end of the game is the winner. You can also use this activity with an excerpt from an audiobook, an interesting text or an interview (in audio format). To work with the "Simple Past" you can write down the infinitive form of the verbs on the slips and once the students listen to the verb in the simple past form, they grab the slip with the correspondent "infinitive". Have fun!"
The comment may be something really simple like: great or good idea. So, it �s pretty quick!!! Please, vote and ask your friends to vote as well!
Thanks in advance!!!
14 Oct 2011
I have just sent my comment. I really like the idea . Hope you will be the winner! My best wishes |
14 Oct 2011
I really like your idea !
Good luck! |
14 Oct 2011
Good luck, Erica! I �ve just left my comment. It �s a really nice idea, it keeps students focused on listening :) |
14 Oct 2011
Hello guys!
I WON the contest!
I �m so �s always a pleasure to share experiences, tips, activities, and it �s really rewarding when our efforts are valued!
Thanks once more...and now that my life is coming to normal again, wait for some activities soon!!!
Here is the link with the final result:
Cheers!!! |
17 Oct 2011