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Ask for help > translation
Hi I �m here again to ask some help.
is the translation bellow right?
. Aborda tamb�m os fatores motivacionais que podem influenciar nos processos de transi��o e a import�ncia da compreens�o, tanto dos gestores quanto da �rea de gest�o de pessoas, em perceber os sinais dos colaboradores quanto suas d�vidas e inseguran�as diante do novo, a fim de amenizar os impactos causados pelas mudan�as organizacionais e relacionadas aos processos, e os resultados a serem atingidos.
. It also Deals/addresses motivational factors that will be influenced in/on the process of fusion and the importance of the comprehension of the managers and the human resources, how to realize the signal of the employees about their doubts and insecurity right in front of the new, to reduce the impacts caused by the organizational changes and relationed about the process and the results to be achieved.
thanks in advance |
25 Oct 2011
I don �t know Portuguese, but I don �t see why you translated "that will be influenced" as passive voice. Are the motivational factors influencing the process of fusion, or are they being influenced by the process of fusion? Anyway, if the passive is correct, you need "by", not "in" or "on". If active, then no preposition. Also, and again, I don �t know Portuguese, should "que podem influenciar" be translated "which can influence", rather than "that will be influenced"? And, you can say "deals with" (not just "deals") or "addresses". Both are correct. Bruce |
25 Oct 2011
I second Bruce (you do seem to be able to speak Portuguese, though ;-) |
25 Oct 2011
No, Alicia, not speak it - just figure it out sometimes.
Eu n�o falo Portugu�s.
Bruce |
25 Oct 2011