�Wet behind the ears�
This saying concerns one of Nature�s most agile, tactile and
versatile of animals --- the domestic CAT --- or, to give it the Latin name, Multipurrpuss
(Incidentally, if the Latins are such great lovers, how is it
that Latin is a dead language?)
This has nothing to do with anything, but I saw advertised at
my Town Hall, a Dance: �Cemetery-and-Crematorium Department Staff
Dance. Live Band!�
To continue what I was saying: At present we have 2
cats. At one time we had 4. You know what it�s like --- one cat leads to
We always buy presents for our cats, especially at Christmas
time. Possibly you don�t know it, but
there is a Cat �Father Christmas�. He lives
near us, at the seaside, on the beach.
His name is �Sandy Claws�.
At our Theatre, for their Christmas production, the local Amateur Operatic Society staged "CATS", by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Unfortunately, the Show had to be cancelled after 2 performances. The Theatre complained that the backs of all the Theatre seats had been damaged. They were all clicked and scratched.
However, for those of you with a cat for a pet, you will
know that a cat can wash, with its tongue, almost every part of its body. It then dries itself by wiping with its
forearm, like a child wiping its face with its sleeve.
The cat can wash every part of its body ... ...
except wash behind its ears!
A cat needs a second cat to perform this function!
When the second cat is finished washing behind the ears of
the first cat, it attempts to dry behind the ears. But the angles are all reversed, and it puts
its elbow in the first cat�s eye. The
ears remain undried!
Hence the expression: �Wet behind the ears!�
�There was a French Rowing Team with 3 Members. There was an English Rowing Team with 3
Members. Every rower was a CAT. The French Team was called �Un, deux, trois�. The English Team was called �One, two, three�. They had a boat race. Which Team won the race?�
�I don�t know. Which Team won?�
�The English Team�.
�Because the �Un, deux, trois�, cats, sank!�