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Make suggestions, report errors > I can īt upload files
I can īt upload files
I can īt upload files
I īve been trying for at least three months to upload contributions, but I keep getting "server error" all the time. What can I do? Has anyone ever faced the same problem? Please help!
Ada Fratini from Italy |
5 Nov 2011
check size (no more than 500kb) and type of file (.doc and not .docx) and try to upload in different times because the server can be overoloaded
good luck! |
5 Nov 2011
I īve been trying too to upload something for 2 or 3 days (at different hours)and it says "your file is being uploaded" but it doesn īt upload even if after an hour. Cristina from Romania
6 Nov 2011
I īve been trying to download worksheets, and the system doesnīt allow me. Yesterday, I īve uploaded a story "The four seasons tree " and it has been downloaded by some of you, however it says that I must upload something. How can I solve the problem?
14 Nov 2011