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introduction for sense organs
introduction for sense organs
Hello you all
how is Sunday going?? Mine is great, now working on school program. This week I �m going to start with the unit about sense organs, and I would like to introduce the topic in a motivating way for my children (aged 8). Can you suggest me anything????
Thanks |
6 Nov 2011
Ever tried the �feelie � bag? You take a cloth bag or even a box and place in it various things that require senses for recognition. Then ask your students to sit in a circle and close their eyes. They pull out sth from the bag with eyes closed and try to guess what it is by smelling it, touching it, listening to it, etc. You can go through the necessary vocabulary before (such as I can see, I can feel... or it feels, it sounds, it feels like, etc.). I had in an old bottle of perfume, a bar of soap, a piece of cotton, an apple, a candy wrapper, a jingle bell, a feather, a lemon, etc.) - it �s fun and challenging and they use the structures of language without thinking too much about them, so the brain accepts them naturally... |
6 Nov 2011
Sean Sarto has some nice activities on senses. Have a look, maybe you �ll like some of them: May be you �ll find something here too:
Sophia |
6 Nov 2011
For 8-year-old-ones ???? Gee!!! I �m glad no one here in France is as desperate as that!!!
Hey, people, learning a new language should be a pleasure, no ??? Why not have your kids have some fun ??? Why not have them .. communicate ?? What can you do with : "sense organs ?? � Are your language advisors so desperate ??
6 Nov 2011
Thank you all.
Stexstme I really dont understand you when you "write" desperate. Who �s desperate????? I always try to teach in a way my students have fun, like playing a game or something similar and in that way students get the new structures and vocabulary. This time, I have some ideas but I wanted to ask for your suggestion, for those who had worked on it previously. So...can you please tell me what you mean with desperate??? |
6 Nov 2011
Thank you all.
Stexstme I really dont understand you when you "write" desperate. Who �s desperate????? I always try to teach in a way my students have fun, like playing a game or something similar and in that way students get the new structures and vocabulary. This time, I have some ideas but I wanted to ask for your suggestion, for those who had worked on it previously. So...can you please tell me what you mean with desperate??? |
6 Nov 2011
I cannot understand how language advisors can make you work on : sense organs with 8-year-old-ones. I just cannot understand why ??? What �s the aim ??? What are the kids supposed to do ???
It seems to me people are expecting some sort of a lecture,...
How can one have an English class with 8-year-old ones starting with : sense organs ?????????? I know this is NOT what you �ve been asking for, but I cannot help giving my own thoughts...;-)) As a teacher - even if my boss doesn �t want me to , I �ll always try to think & behave according to what I stand for...
That �s what I meant. I did not mean to hurt nor upset you - please accept my apologies if I did hurt you !
But I found it weird that people find it � normal � to ask 8-year-old-ones about sense organs.
My message was not aimed at you, but at the people who asked you to have such a lesson. I hope you do not mind my telling you; after all, that �s what ESLP is great for...
Sylvie |
6 Nov 2011
I totally agree with stextme. She was talking about learnability and criticising the syllabus makers for imposing such difficult tasks on learners that they have not mastered in their own language. Here in Turkey students are asked to learn countries, nationalities, languages and capital cities yet they don �t have such a lesson in their own language. |
6 Nov 2011
Thank you, Maker 1,
You got my point! ....Sorry if I was not able to explain -the way you did it! - that �s what I meant!
Sylvie |
6 Nov 2011
I think Sylvie misunderstood the aim of the topic. She is trying to point out that English for small kids shouldn �t be a complicated science lesson...
Five sense organs-
sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing can make an easy and fun lesson - we may introduce body parts + verbs + animals - eg: eyes - see, nose - smell, mouth/tongue - taste, hand/finger - touch, ear - hear. This can be enough... Or you may add: discussion about animals - which animal can see/hear well / bad? I can see with my eyes. My dog can see with his blue eyes. Owls can see with their big eyes in dark. = Owls have big eyes and they can see well at night. ... I can smell with my tongue. Chameleon �s tongue hits the bug very fast. Chameleons eat bugs. Chameleons can see two bugs in one moment. Each eye move differently. ...
Shuffle animal flashcards and ask: Which animal can ... see / hear / smell / touch with its nose/mouth/whiskers/tongue/eyes/fingers...? Can .... bats.... see well? Can ....vultures... smell well? etc Dogs hear better than... people. Falcons can see 15 cm mouse from a distance of 1.5 km. Snakes smell with its tongue. Catfish have 10 times taste buds compared to humans.
Can you hear underwater? Can you touch a hot stove? Can you smell flowers in our school garden now? Can you touch your .... (+body part)? Can you hear insects/bugs at night?
6 Nov 2011
There are many bilingual schools in Spain. In them there are three subjects in English: English, Science & Art. I think rosammd is asking for help for a Science lesson, not an English subject lesson.
7 Nov 2011
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