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Word of the Day Competition
Word of the Day Competition
Here is the word of the day: misodoctakleidist .
Remember: your sense of humour and creativity are the only dictionaries allowed.
Have fun! |
8 Nov 2011
I think the word is very old and it refers to someone who was really famous.
There was a famous german poet by the name - Kleist - who was very skinny and fragile. One day his doctor (doct) told him to eat miso - which is a thick brown salty paste made of soya beans. These beans could only be found in Japan and were very expensive. Neverthless his parents sent them from Japan, wishing that his son would get better.
However, like all children, Kleist hate those beans.
So when he was a child he was known as misodoctakleidist. lol
9 Nov 2011