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Verbs NOT USED Continuous / Progressive Tenses ?
Verbs NOT USED Continuous / Progressive Tenses ?
Hi friends, I am trying to make a list of COMMON/frequent verbs which are NOT used in Present continuous or Past continuous tenses FOR INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS:
"Non-ing verbs" USUALLY used in simple tenses only: need, tend, seem, want, allow, afford, agree, appear, base on, belong, cost, depend, enjoy, like, love, hate, exist, intend, mean, last, occur, obtain, matter, mean, own, possess, prevent, promise, prove, succeed, suit, survive, recognize, realize, mind, want, agree, hear, own, sound, doubt, wish, deserve, lack, know, suppose (=think, feel), believe, understand, remember, recognise, appear, taste, promise, imagine, involve, belong, fit, contain, consist, depend, matter, see (=understand), seem (=look),smell, deny, surprise, lack, owe CAN, MUST, MAY, SHALL, SHOULD, COULD, MIGHT, OUGHT, WILL, WOULD
I know that almost all verbs can be used in continuous tense but I am looking for those common "easy" verbs which are used in simple tenses VERY FREQUENTLY. Those verbs which occur in continuous tense rarely...
Are there any more stative verbs in this list of common verbs, please?
23 Nov 2011
Dear Moravc,
Mental & Emotional:
Believe; dislike; doubt; feel (have an opinion); imagine; know; like; love; hate; prefer; realise; recognise; remember; see (understand); suppose; think (have an opinion); understand; want; wish.
Use of the Senses:
Appear; hear; look (seem); see; seem; smell; sound; taste.
Communicating & Causing Reactions:
agree; astonish; deny; disagree; impress; mean; please; promise; satisfy; surprise.
be; belong; concern; consist; contain; depend; deserve; fit; include; involve; lack; matter; measure (to have length, etc.); need; owe; own; possess; weigh (to have weight).
I realise that I have duplicated some of your list, but I have not time to check.
These are verbs that are NOT OFTEN used in the Progressive Form, or which are not used in Progressive Forms with CERTAIN MEANINGS.
I hope that this helps.
23 Nov 2011
Hi! It might be an idea if you �re compiling a list to highlight those verbs among your list which also have an ACTION meaning, for example, appear, and which therefore will use a continuous form.
He appears cross. Oh dear! I wonder what �s wrong.
He �s appearing at the Queen �s Theatre next month. I must get tickets
Hugs from a beautifully sunny but breezy Barcelona!
23 Nov 2011
Thanks a lot for your help!!!
24 Nov 2011