Good evening all,
I have to teach a lesson about how people speak to each other and what level of formality they use. Is the conversation formal , informal or neutral.
So far I thought I �d discuss the different degrees of formality and use the text book �s listening ex.Then, I want to compile a list of synonyms for words used in different situations and create a board game using these words and make simple [ neutral] sentences and they have to pick a card from the pile and when they land on a sentence they have to read it pick a card and change it into a formal , very formal , informal or very informal sentence using their synonym list as a guide .
E.g: "I �m sorry I haven �t called you back, but I �ve been so busy today."
SS picks up FORMAL and needs to change it and make it formal:
e.g: I am deeply apologetic for not returning your telephone call earlier , but I have had an extremely demanding day today.
They are young adults and their level is pre intermediate, but am told are lower. I �m afraid it �s probably too drawn out for them, I don �t really know the class well , because I �m helping out. Can someone please help me lift it off the page with something funnier or lighter or better still a different idea or lesson plan to teach this.
Please help , I �m at my wits end-It �s a speaking /listening class.
Thanks in advance