My dearest colleagues, thank you so much for you kind comments!our process was as following:
1) students write their song suggestions (limited by the lesson topic, for example, the condition we had was - the song should be in past simple)
2) I get about 20 songs, so I choose 3 most appropriate ones
3) we vote and choose one song
4) work on the meaning so that every understood the lyrics
5) share the lines - each student gets several lines of the song (one line - one picture)
6) students are drawing pictures, but the meaning of pictures should be not the meaning of the whole song, but of one certain line (like we had "brand new start")
7) I do video editing (I used standard movie maker wor Windows 7) just put he pictures, add subtitles and make sure that subtitles and pictures come on time...
that is it!
if your students are good computer users, you may make them do video editing, that will be fun!
I am really happy to know that you got interested in the idea, and I wish you good luck with your projects!